Lovecraft At The Mountains of Madness, In The Flesh

Haters will say it’s photo-shopped.

I just re-read Lovecraft’s novella At The Mountains of Madness.

I think the story still resonates today.

One of the central themes is the deterioration of civilizations over time. How from neglect and indifference its citizens lose their ways. I.e., skills, technologies, beliefs, and astuteness at surviving their surroundings.

No, I’m not dog whistling to Lovecraft’s infamous and harped-on racism.

I wish he hadn’t been bigoted; everyone does, right? Like everyone, I also wish racism hadn’t ever been part of the human experience.

I hope that’s obvious.

Regardless, I think we can all agree–apolitically or bipartisanly (take your pick)–that America’s having a bit of an identity crisis at the moment. A bottle-neck crossroads that will determine our future playing out before our eyes.

Whether you feel good or bad, or, wait for it…cosmically indifferent…about that, you can agree that all progress forward leads to a dissipation of the past we leave behind.

That’s an interesting theme to chew on.

And naturally, I had a nerd fit when I saw this image.
